How is the COVID-19 epidemic being fought using AI and big data?

A variety of promising strategies to stop the COVID-19 epidemic may be aided by big data. Big data combined with AI analytics aids in our comprehension of the COVID-19 in terms of tracking outbreaks, virus structure, disease treatment, and vaccine production [31].

What is the most crucial measure to stop COVID-19 infections from spreading?

The easiest way to stop the spread of germs and to avoid infection is by washing your hands properly. In public places, wearing a face mask helps stop the transmission of COVID-19.

What exactly is a "smart city" and what does it serve?

How do smart cities work? In a "smart city," existing networks and services are enhanced with digital technologies for the benefit of locals and businesses. Beyond utilizing digital technologies to better manage resources and reduce pollution, a smart city goes above and beyond.

What do IoT-based smart city solutions entail?

Smart cities automate operations like traffic, energy use, and trash management by using Internet of Things (IoT) sensors in metropolitan areas to gather data. Smart cities achieve this by increasing the effectiveness of urban services, cutting costs, and delivering a greater level of living.

What is a smart city's primary goal?

Intelligent City FeaturesThe goal of the Smart communities Mission is to support communities that offer basic infrastructure, a good standard of living for their residents, a clean, sustainable environment, and the implementation of "Smart" Solutions.

What are the clever answers?

Systems that combine cutting-edge hardware (Internet of Things) and software technologies are referred to as "smart solutions" in general. They are widely used in a variety of spheres of life, from smart cities to cars and offices.

How can artificial intelligence fit into the fight against COVID-19?

By gathering data from social media platforms, phone conversations, and news websites, AI can be used to forecast the spread of viruses, create early warning systems, and provide helpful information about sensitive areas as well as the prediction of illness and mortality.

How can a city be made smart and sustainable?

A Sustainable Smart City's Components
Enhanced public safety: Accidents or crimes can be discovered right away thanks to video surveillance and intelligent sensors.
Taking more sensible decisions Utilizing data strategy allows the appropriate metrics to be tracked in real-time, enhancing service quality.
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What are the SMART 5 steps?

Setting [Smart] Goals: 5 Steps
Specific. It's crucial to avoid defining goals that are overly general or ambiguous.Measurable. Every objective has a conclusion.Achievable. Goals should challenge you and serve as a tool for personal progress.Relevant. Motivation is a crucial element in achieving goals.Timely.

How can COVID-19 employ artificial intelligence?

The COVID-19 screening, diagnoses, and prediction have been significantly enhanced by recent research and development in the field of artificial intelligence, which also leads to greater scale-up, prompt reaction, most reliable, and efficient outcomes, and occasionally outperforms people in certain healthcare activities.