What is the difference between iot and the Internet

The difference between the Internet of Things and the Internet is: 1) different definitions; 2) Different data sources; 3) Different amounts of data; 4) Different data quality; 5) Different data processing. automatic probe station The Internet refers to a large network connected by a common set of protocols, forming a single logic of a huge international network.

The difference between iot and Internet

The Internet of Things and the Internet are two concepts that are often mentioned. private 5g They are both information technology-based networks, but there are the following differences.

1. Different definitions

The Internet refers to a vast network of data connected by networks and network development, and these corporate networks are connected by a common set of protocols to form a single, logically powerful international social network. The main management function of the Internet is to realize the exchange and sharing of information technology between people.

The Internet of Things refers to the use of various devices and technologies, such as information sensors, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, global positioning systems, infrared sensors, laser scanners, etc., through various possible network access, to achieve real-time capture of any object or process that needs to be monitored, connected or interactive. private lte As well as information about its sound, light, heat, electricity, mechanics, chemistry, biology, location, etc., to realize the ubiquitous connection between objects and objects, objects and people, to realize the intelligent perception, recognition and management of objects and processes. The main function of the Internet of Things is to realize the information exchange and control between things.

2. Different data sources

The data sources of the Internet are mainly generated by humans themselves, such as text, pictures, audio, video and so on. This data usually needs to be entered by humans themselves or uploaded to the network, and then transmitted over the network to other people or devices.

The Internet of Things (iot-RRB-data source) is mostly generated automatically, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, location, etc. This data is usually collected or read automatically by sensors or readers and then transmitted over the network to other items or devices.

3. Different amounts of data

Although the amount of data on the Internet is large, it is still limited compared with the Internet of Things. Because the data on the Internet mainly rely on manual input or upload, and people's time and energy are limited.

The amount of data in the Internet of Things far exceeds that of the Chinese Internet, because the data analysis of the Internet of Things mainly relies on the automatic collection or reading of an item, and the number and type of items are endless and endless.

4. Different data quality

Data on the Internet is prone to human interference or misoperation, such as false information, false information, duplicate information, etc., and the quality of data on the Internet is often poor. This data needs to be filtered and validated for use.

The data quality of the Internet of Things is often high, because the data of the Internet of Things directly reflects the real state of an object or process, such as temperature, humidity, pressure, location, and so on. This data can often be used without filtering and validation.

5. Data processing is different

Internet data processing mainly relies on cloud computing technology, which means that data is stored on remote servers and then calculated and analyzed over the network. This can save local resources, improve computing efficiency, and realize large-scale parallel processing.

Data processing in the Internet of Things mainly relies on edge computing technology, that is, data is stored in nodes close to objects or devices, and then calculated and analyzed. This can reduce network latency, improve response speed, and realize real-time processing.

The Internet of Things can often demand the attention of affected consumers, and when using technologies such as wearable smartwatches, there is always a big concern about the privacy and security management issues that go hand in hand with continuous connectivity. This consumer concern is generally recognized in various SME iot projects, especially when the end system user is the general public.

Enterprise iot solutions allow companies to improve existing business models and build new relationships with customers and partners, but the process may not be easy. Smart device systems can generate large amounts of data (often referred to as big data). Integrating big data into existing systems and building data analytics to take action against it can also be complex.

The security of the Internet of Things is an important consideration when building an iot system. Still, for many companies, the Internet of Things is worth a try, and there are successful cases of enterprise iot applications in almost every industry.

difference between vast network