shaved and directly exposed

Everyone has different types of body hair, such as hair, brows, hair, armpit hair, beard, and dermes hairlessso on. Many people will shave off visible body hair for cosmetic reasons, but afterward, they will wonder if there is any harm to their body.

In fact, body hair is not as simple as you think; today, we'll discuss what body hair has to do with it in various parts of the human body! Is there any harm in shaving it off?

The role of different parts of the body hair

1.brow hairs

Many girls will pluck the extra brows or even the entire brow to look good, but is this really a good idea?

To begin with, the role of the brows, because the human eye is a more fragile system that is prone to infection, the brows are the enterprise in order to prevent rain, sweat, or dust from flowing into the eyes, resulting in Chinese infection.

When you pluck your brows, the nerves and blood vessels around the brows are stimulated, resulting in dermatitis or folliculitis, allowing you to pluck the brows but not the brows.


Hair is undoubtedly the most shaved part of many people's bodies; lush hair can not only protect us against the sun, but also in protecting our head from UV damage and heat dissipation; winter and the role of cold.

If the hair is shaved and directly exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it is undoubtedly dangerous.

3.Hair in the armpits

Generally, armpit hair begins to grow around puberty, which is fine for boys but not so good for girls. dermesWill buy special hair removal cream to remove hair, is this really good?

The role of armpit hair at the same time is not to be underestimated, armpit hair can be carried out to protect the skin of the armpit, resistance to a variety of bacteria and dust invasion of Chinese skin, to avoid friction between the armpit and the skin, and can also help improve heat dissipation by in the hot summer months. on the legs

Not only men will grow leg hair, many women will also grow leg hair, men's leg hair can also highlight their manhood, the role is not small.

Body hair can regulate the temperature of the body's surface by maintaining a constant temperature of heat dissipation and perspiration, and it can also effectively protect our skin from dust adhesion.

5, hair on the nose

Speaking of nasal hair, it plays an even bigger role in moisturizing, avoiding dry nose, resisting airborne bacteria and viruses, dust, filtering air, and, most importantly, protecting the olfactory system and smelling things.

It is very easy to destroy the blood vessels and nasal mucosa in the nose by randomly plucking nasal hair.

were, and they were.

Since its existence, it must exist, or the development of advice do not simply shave off body hair, especially dermesthe private parts, it is the enterprise cannot shave off, because China, the country place of hair not only students can resist bacterial viruses, but also by assisting them to reduce trade friction.

If you really want to shave, it is not impossible, but body hair is very useful, some parts of the body hair can be shaved off, for example, people with body odor, secrete more sweat, if the sweat sticks to the armpit hair, it will aggravate the body odor.

If you want to shave, you must use the proper method. Do not pull directly, choose the appropriate method, and avoid damaging the pores.

Hair removal cream side effects and maintenance

Many people think that hair removal cream is very convenient, but it is also very harmful, it will make the hair thick and black, and it will also cause damage to the epidermis and hair follicles. Hair removal creams can also irritate the skin and cause hair follicle inflammation.

In general, the role of hair removal cream can only be maintained for a week; long-term use will also cause antibodies to skin problems and destroy the hair growth cycle.

We should try to choose one that does not frequently harm the skin, carefully read the instructions and the correct method of use, and remember to wash with warm water after use.

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