Describe a tech geek.

a someone with extensive knowledge of science or technology, particularly computers: an outstanding computer geek.

What else do you call a geek?

You can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, and terms that are connected to geek on this page, including words like buffoon, freak, nerd, weirdo, curiosity, and dolt.

Am I a nerd or a geek?

Geeks are [collection] oriented, collecting information and artifacts about their area of interest. They are fixated with the most recent, hippest, and trendy items that their subject has to offer. Nerd: A diligent thinker, however this time focused on a particular subject or industry.

A typical geek is what?

The term "geek" refers to a person who is knowledgeable or enthusiastic about a pastime or academic pursuit. The term was initially used to characterize quirky or out-of-the-ordinary persons.

What's another way to say nerd or geek?

You can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, and terms that are connected to nerd on this page, including words like geek, techie, dork, dweeb, goober, and goofball.

Who are geeks and nerds?

Nerd: [socially uncomfortable] and [an brilliant but single-minded person who is fascinated with a nonsocial activity or endeavor" Geek: "a person with excessive enthusiasm for and some expertise about a particular subject or activity" and "[a digital-technology expert or enthusiast"

What does it mean to be a geek?

He enjoys science fiction films and frequently watches them with his brother. Screech is regarded as the geek in his group of friends.

In American English, what does "geek" mean?

The term "geek" refers to a person who is knowledgeable or enthusiastic about a pastime or academic pursuit. The term was initially used to characterize quirky or out-of-the-ordinary persons.

Who is smarter, a nerd or a geek?

If you're more of a nerdy enthusiast, collector, or aficionado than an ordinary person. However, it is more nerdy if you are a practitioner or an authority on the idea.

Do geeks have intelligence?

A geek is a smart individual who has a strong interest in and extensive knowledge in a particular field, such as computers, science, or technology. This person is seen as a point of contact for the topic area in part because he or she frequently uses new technologies early on.