Hey! I'll let you know how to taste this sake

This is the Sake Tasting Trifecta.

An observation of the eye:

If there are impurities, yellow or even brown color, it means that the wine is spoiled or of poor quality.

It is considered more specialized in Japan to use the bottom of the spiral cup (snake-eye cup) for professional sake tastings to observe sake clarity

Sniffing the nose:

Sake is notorious for its old, overcooked flavor or special aroma that escapes from other containers.

As a result, a good sake has a strong aroma.

The unique flavor of sake can be smelled by drinking with a wine glass and wine, paying attention to the temperature and material properties.

By mouth:

Pour 3 to 5 ml of sake into your mouth, and then roll it on your tongue so that it spreads evenly.

Mix the sake in your mouth with the sake in your nose while you smell the sake in the glass

Taste the aftertaste carefully after you spit it out

It is of good quality if the five flavors of acidity, sweetness, bitterness, astringency and spiciness are balanced and harmonious, and the aftertaste is crisp and smooth.

The more delicate aromas and flavors of ginjyosu and daiginjyosu make them more suitable for chilling..sake tasting hong kongis very good.

Since sake is heated up, it loses its aroma as a result of the increase in temperature.

Light and slender sake loses its texture and flavor easily, so it is better served at room temperature or on ice.

Here are three tips for drinking on ice:

In order to maintain the delicate flavor of the wine, it is a common practice to put the glass in the fridge ahead of time, then take it out and pour it into the glass of wine. This will evenly transfer the cold temperature and coolness of the glass to the wine.

In addition, there is a special wine glass that allows you to separate the wine from the ice by putting crushed ice in the ice chute and then pouring the clear wine.

When it comes to drinking sake, the most direct and convenient method is to put the whole bottle in the refrigerator and then take it out when you want to drink it.

Picture yourself holding a cup of warm or cold sake at this point.

The aroma of the rice resonates with your eyes, ears, nose, and tongue, creating a mood that softens your body and mind.

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taste sake sake tips