
Home is a warm haven, but cleaning up is really tiring, no matter how big or small the house is!

Today will be in the usual use of cleaning tips summarized together, below to share with you the box cleaning tips! Learn how easy it is to keep your home clean!

1. faucet water stains dirt, toothpaste + white vinegar

Pour white vinegar on the faucet,kitchen sponge price use an old toothbrush that can be used without squeezing the toothpaste, no need to dip in water, just brush, soon we can become super clean ourselves.

2. Cleaning the toilet, baking soda

The yellow stains in the bathroom are hard to remove, you can sprinkle baking soda and rinse with hot water for half an hour before washing. The exit of the bathroom, also remember to cover it with toilet paper soaked in baking soda solution to soak it.

3. yellowing, odor rags, baking soda + detergent + hot water

Kitchen rags have a few oily odors on them.

Add detergent to the sink, then heat the water, put it in the rags, and finally pour in the baking soda. Soak it for half an hour, rub it, dry it, and it will be completely odorless.

4. Microwave/oven cleaning, baking soda + warm water

Since microwaves and ovens are in direct contact with food, it is not recommended to use cleaners directly as this will create residue. Put a large bowl of warm water in baking soda and heat in the microwave for 5 minutes. Simmer for 5-10 minutes.

5. Hood filters, baking soda + detergent

Kitchen filters are greasy and hard to clean, soak them in baking soda with detergent and hot water and brush them on the line with a small brush.

The same can also be used to solve the grease on the lid of the pot.

6. screens, white vinegar + toothpaste + conditioner + warm water

Add white vinegar, toothpaste and conditioner to warm water and you're done with window brushes.

7. Leather and fabric sofas, care cream/vacuum cleaner

Fabric sofas are heavy on dusting, so it is recommended to do the cleaning directly with a vacuum cleaner. The maintenance of leather sofas is recommended to buy creams. Remember, do not wipe them with a wet rag. You can use a sponge or get a specialized cleaning team to come to your home.

8. Spout dirt, citric acid

Add citric acid water, make a solvent, put it directly into the shower spout and soak it overnight. Rinse the next day.

9. Cooktop/countertop grease, baking soda

When cleaning the stovetop with baking soda and a small amount of water, and then applying it to the stovetop, those stubborn old grease stains will soon break down, and gently scrubbing, you can scrape off a layer of grease.

Scrub with a clean sponge a few times, you can wash away most of the grease stains, not easy to wipe the seams with an old toothbrush to clean thoroughly, become shiny as new!

10. Kitchen floor oil stains, flower water + baking soda + table salt

Fill the bucket with water, first a few drops of toilet water, add 2 tablespoons of salt and baking soda, mix well and then mop the floor with a mop to easily remove oil stains.

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