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It is said that "a man's true colors", probably every man wants to be "one night and two men", with strong sexual ability hands free vibrators. In the cognition of most men, it is natural to equate the number of sex lives with sexual ability.

But is more sex really better? What does excessive sex do to your body?

These 4 Signs That Sex Is Overloading You

feeling tired

Sexual life is a resource-consuming activity with a lot of physical strength hands free vibrators. During sexual life, hormones such as adrenaline in the body will be released into the blood, which can cause the patient's blood pressure to increase, heartbeat to increase, glucose metabolism and muscle tension. , Frequent body reactions to these adverse reactions are likely to affect students and cause fatigue.

If you're feeling really tired the morning after sex, you're probably overdoing it.

back pain

Excessive sex life can also cause low back pain, which is caused by strained muscles or ligaments in the lower back hands free vibrators. Appropriately reducing the frequency of sexual life can relieve the symptoms of low back pain.

Mental burnout

Excessive sex work or study during the day will lead to symptoms of depression and listlessness, nothing can lift the spirit, energy cannot be concentrated, and one feels sleepy.

loss of appetite

When sexual life is excessive, it will also affect the digestive function, resulting in loss of appetite, poor appetite, and may be accompanied by mild nausea.

If the physical development after sexual life is manifested through the above-mentioned problems, it may be caused by excessive use of sexual life. However, many people think that they are confused about the degree to which students have mastered sex life hands free vibrators. What is the normal working frequency of sex life?

There is a famous formula that determines the frequency of your sexual life according to your age hands free vibrators. This formula is 9 times your age, that is, the number of days a sexual life cycle lasts, and the unit is the frequency of sexual life.

For example, taking a 40-year-old person as an example, the frequency of sex should be "4 × 9 = 36", which means that a 40-year-old person should have sex 6 times within 30 days, and live once every 5 days.

However, the frequency of having sex is affected by many factors hands free vibrators. From a physiological point of view, if the sex is not forced and there is no uncomfortable feeling, then you can have sex.

Too much sex, men are silent, women cry!

If the sex life is too frequent, whether it is a company for a man or a Chinese woman, it has its own many harms.

cause vaginal swelling and pain

Excessive sex life can easily lead to redness, swelling and pain in women's private parts, and may also cause vaginal skin damage, burning sensation during urination, and even inflammation.

induce gynecological inflammation

For women, too much sex life will keep the vagina in a state of long-term congestion, which will easily lead to damage to the vaginal mucosa, thereby reducing the resistance of the vagina, thereby inducing cervicitis, vaginitis and other gynecological inflammations.

In addition, it can also cause pelvic congestion in women, and symptoms such as lower abdominal pain, distending pain, and dysmenorrhea.

Women who are sexually active and excessive are more likely to be infected with HPV

Women who are sexually active are more likely to be infected with HPV because their reproductive tracts have lower resistance. High frequency of sexual behavior not only increases the risk of HPV infection, but also increases the risk of cervical cancer. Statistics show that 99% of cervical cancer patients are HPV positive.

cause pelvic congestion in men

For men with strong sexual desire and excessive sex life, the male pelvic congestion caused by long-term congestion of genitals and gonads will cause a series of symptoms such as low back pain, dysuria, groin pain, and testicular swelling.

Sexual decline

Excessive sex life can easily overdraw the body and cause physical fatigue, so it is easy to induce long-term impotence. This is because excessive muscle fatigue interferes with brain arousal, which reduces and suppresses sexual interest, as well as androgen and gonadotropin production, which in turn reduces arousal.

If the level of fatigue is accumulated over a long period of time, it will cause organic changes in the reproductive system and cause permanent damage. The repeated and continuous occurrence of sexual impulses will increase the burden on the control nerve center and sexual organs, and will cause sexual dysfunction in the long run.

Induce prostatitis and seminal vesiculitis

Sexual life and excessive men tend to develop repeated and persistent tissue congestion in sexual organs, which can induce diseases such as prostatitis and seminal vesiculitis. Since the wall of the seminal vesicle is very thin, once it becomes inflamed and congested, it is easy to affect and cause massive bleeding. At this time, a male employee may have symptoms of blood semen.

Remember 3 "no"s in sex life, and your kidneys will get better and better

Don't have sex when you're overtired

Sex requires a lot of energy. When the body feels tired, sex life will not only not satisfy both parties, but also damage health, impotence, premature ejaculation and other sexual dysfunction.

Don't Have Sex While Drunk

Drinking alcohol can not improve the quality of sexual life, but will cause some harm, especially after drinking, it will lead to various sexual dysfunction and hinder the harmony of sexual life between husband and wife.

Don't Neglect Sexual Hygiene

Whether enterprises need to pay attention to environmental sanitation before and after sexual life directly affects the health of both parties. If you do not wash before and after sex, it is easy to bring pathogens such as bacteria into the body, which poses a threat to healthy development.

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